
Yuvãfy Collagen Featured in The Times

Yuvãfy Collagen is so honoured to be included in The Times Winter Wonders: Ten Health and Wellness Brands to Keep You in Top Condition.

If the seasonal blues are getting the better of you, put these products to the test.

At this time of year, with coughs and colds in the air and the stress of the party season approaching, we’re more aware than ever of our health and wellbeing. The good news is that there are some fab brands out there dedicated to keeping your mind and body in tip-top condition over the winter – and we’ve picked ten of the best, which we think should be on your radar.

We’ve also got products and services that add a touch of luxury to your wellness routine, including a skincare brand recommended by over 50,000 experts, a collagen supplement that can help revitalise your skin and a Balinese-style spa that can massage your worries away.

For the chance to look and feel your best this winter, take a peek at what these brilliant brands have to offer.